Welcome to Greenwood Farm!

We pride ourselves on being a corporate farm for over 25 years producing top-quality beef and vegetables in the most economically viable way, while working hard to reduce our carbon foot-print with everything we do. We understand the need to be progressive with the way we manage our farms as well as the day-to-day operations of the farms for our business to be sustainable for future generations. The way we farmed 25 years ago is different from the way we do it today, and the way we farm today will undoubtedly be different from the way we will be doing it 50 years from now.

Fresh vegetable Harvests

The lettuce & spinach are freshly picked … from our farm … harvested from the field … not the greenhouse.
This season was frosty, but hopefully the greens recover again and continue to feed us.

Greenwood Dairy Farm Markets

Greenwood Dairy Farm has long supported our Canada's cheese makers and we are excited to participate in the upcoming Canadian Cheese Awards as sponsor of the cow's milk cheese category.

Greenwood Poultry Farm Markets

Greenwood’s operation has been designed for maximum efficiency in roaster production which means maximum speed to market and maximum freshness and shelf-life for consumers. All our production is shipped the day it is processed.